Monthly Archives: April 2016

Wong on leave until April 14: Academia Sinica

Taiwan News
Date: 2016-04-01
By: Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The Academia Sinica confirmed reports Friday that its 6745290beleaguered president, Wong Chi-huey, would stay away on leave until April 14.
Legislators and prosecutors want to question him about his alleged involvement in the trading of stocks in OBI Pharma, Inc. following accusations of insider trading, tax evasion and conflict of interest.

The top academic had been scheduled to face a legislative committee on Thursday, but the previous day he called President Ma Ying-jeou from the United States to tender his resignation. It was later reported that he had been hospitalized and was unable to travel long distances.

Wong’s resignation offer, which was turned down by Ma, touched off an uproar, with accusations that he was purposefully trying to avoid questioning about the shares by relying on his US citizenship.

As a result of the ruckus, Wong wrote a letter to Academia staff in Taipei promising them he would return and clarify the situation.   [FULL  STORY]

Outgoing, incoming premiers to meet April 8

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/04/01
By: Tang Pei-chun and Y.F. Low

Taipei, April 1 (CNA) Outgoing Premier Simon Chang (張善政) will meet with his successor

Premier-designate Lin Chuan

Premier-designate Lin Chuan

Lin Chuan (林全) at the Executive Yuan on April 8, an official said Friday.

Chang will exchange views on a wide range of issues with Lin, who will be sworn in on May 20 under the incoming administration of President-elect Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), Cabinet spokesman Sun Lih-chyun (孫立群) said.

In addition to Chang, Vice Premier Duh Tyzz-jiun (杜紫軍), Executive Yuan Secretary-General Chien Tai-lang (簡太郎), Deputy Secretary-General Sung Yu-hsieh (宋餘俠) and Sun will also attend the meeting.

It is expected to last one hour, and the two sides will brief the press about the details respectively after the meeting.      [SOURCE]

Kaohsiung yacht firm sets sail for global expansion

Taiwan Today
Date: April 1, 2016

Kaohsiung City-based Alexander Marine Co. Ltd. is helping chart a course for Taiwan’s

One of Alexander Marine Co. Ltd.’s luxury superyacht models on display at the biennial Taiwan International Boat Show March 10-13 in Kaohsiung City is helping the southern Taiwan firm open new markets in Europe and mainland China. (Courtesy of AMCL)

One of Alexander Marine Co. Ltd.’s luxury superyacht models on display at the biennial Taiwan International Boat Show March 10-13 in Kaohsiung City is helping the southern Taiwan firm open new markets in Europe and mainland China. (Courtesy of AMCL)

thriving yacht industry to carve out a bigger share of the lucrative international market.

The maker of luxury seagoing recreational craft sells its products under the Ocean Alexander brand, which is synonymous with cutting-edge design and high-quality craftsmanship. It was the world’s fourth largest builder of motor yachts 78-foot or above last year, according to ShowBoats International’s annual Global Order Book.

AMCL’s flagship line tops the U.S. superyacht market with a share of over 10 percent. In 2015, the company recorded global revenues of NT$1.62 billion (US$50.4 million), soaring 250 percent from the year before.

This above-average growth reflects the southern Taiwan firm’s commitment to thinking outside the box. AMCL President Kevin Tseng said that by simplifying the product line, they are offering customers a select few premium models boasting modular designs and top-of-the-line components.

Tseng said this approach has paid handsome dividends. “There has been a very strong response to our modular designs, enabling us to bolster the price range of Ocean Alexander boats 20 percent above our competitors.”     [FULL  STORY]

US praises Taiwan over uranium policy

CENTER STAGE:Taiwan’s participation sends an important message to Asia about the benefits of nuclear security, US Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said

Taipei Times
Date: Apr 02, 2016
By: William Lowther / Staff reporter in WASHINGTON

The White House on Thursday praised Taiwan’s enriched uranium policies, as more than 50 national leaders met in Washington for a two-day summit aimed at halting nuclear proliferation.

“With respect to Taiwan’s contributions, obviously they’ve made an important contribution along with others in getting rid of stockpiles of highly enriched uranium,” US Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said.

He was addressing a news briefing following a trilateral meeting — held as the summit opened — between US President Barack Obama, South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

A major focus of the summit is preventing organizations such as the Islamic State group from obtaining nuclear material or a nuclear device.

Obama has made securing nuclear material around the world a top priority.     [FULL  STORY]

Justice minister returns from landmark China trip

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/04/01
By: Eva Feng and Y.F. Low

Taipei, April 1 (CNA) Justice Minister Luo Ying-shay (羅瑩雪) returned to Taiwan on Friday

Justice Minister Luo Ying-shay (羅瑩雪), CNA file photo

Justice Minister Luo Ying-shay (羅瑩雪), CNA file photo

from a historic trip to China that took her to Beijing and Shanghai.

Luo, who was leading a delegation of senior officials from her ministry, was the first justice minister from Taiwan to visit China in an official capacity.

She was invited by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China, based on a cross-Taiwan Strait agreement on joint crime-fighting and mutual judicial assistance.

During her visit to Beijing, Luo called on the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Supreme People’s Court and the National Prosecutors College of the PRC.     [FULL  STORY]

Majority in Taiwan support cross-strait status quo

Taiwan Today
Date: April 1, 2016

A total of 86.7 percent of people in Taiwan prefer maintaining the status quo between the

The majority of people in Taiwan prefer maintaining the status quo between the two sides of Taiwan Strait as confirmed in a survey released March 29 by the MAC. (UDN)

The majority of people in Taiwan prefer maintaining the status quo between the two sides of Taiwan Strait as confirmed in a survey released March 29 by the MAC. (UDN)

two sides of Taiwan Strait, according to a survey released March 29 by the ROC Mainland Affairs Council.

The poll showed 81.9 percent support the government in continuing to promote the peaceful and stable development of cross-strait relations in accordance with the ROC Constitution and President Ma Ying-jeou’s principle of no unification, no independence and no use of force.

It also found that 72.7 percent do not agree with Beijing’s concept of one China, while 78.6 percent believe the development of cross-strait relations will benefit if mainland China squarely faces the reality that the two sides are under separate rule and respects the will of Taiwan’s people.

The MAC said that the government is committed to promoting institutionalized negotiations and official exchanges between the two sides based on the 1992 consensus of one China, with respective interpretations, which means that each side having its own interpretation of what this means.

Such efforts over the past eight years are supported in the survey’s findings: 87 percent prefer the government to continue to promote official exchanges and institutionalized negotiations. As for the pace of cross-strait exchanges, a total of 45.1 percent said it is appropriate: 21.5 percent considering it too fast and 21 percent, too slow.     [FULL  STORY]

Forced hospitalization of homeless man sparks fury

PRIVACY CONCERNS:DPP Legislator Wang Jung-chang said that if mental illness records are shared among government agencies, people might forgo treatment

Taipei Times
Date: Apr 02, 2016
By: Abraham Gerber and Sean Lin / Staff reporters

The alleged forced hospitalization by the Taipei City Government of a homeless man on

Attorney Tseng Wei-kai, right, and other lawyers hold a press conference outside the Taipei District Court yesterday. They were voicing support for a homeless man surnamed Ting, pictured in the center of the photograph on the table, who was reportedly forcibly hospitalized. Photo: Chang Wen-chuan, Taipei Times

Attorney Tseng Wei-kai, right, and other lawyers hold a press conference outside the Taipei District Court yesterday. They were voicing support for a homeless man surnamed Ting, pictured in the center of the photograph on the table, who was reportedly forcibly hospitalized. Photo: Chang Wen-chuan, Taipei Times

Thursday drew criticism yesterday, with groups saying moves to increase monitoring of people with mental illness could be a breach of privacy rights and could discourage them from seeking treatment.

A man surnamed Ting (丁), nicknamed “Wobble-wobble Man” (搖搖哥) for his distinctive gait by students of National Chengchi University, where he is often seen, was shown being forced into an ambulance in video footage posted online on Thursday.

“Even if he has a mental illness, if there is no concern that he will harm himself or others, he should not be consigned to hospital,” Taiwan Association for Human Rights deputy chairman Weng Kuo-yan (翁國彥) said.

“He was known to students for years and never sought to do anything that would harm anyone,” Weng said, adding that the association was seeking a judicial review to overturn the city’s decision, which he said breached the Mental Health Act (精神衛生法).

Any loosening of regulations governing forced hospitalization should be ruled out given the government’s abuse of its existing powers, Weng said.     [FULL  STORY]

Chiayi County to strengthen mental health care

Taiwan News
Date: 2016-04-01
By: Chia Lee, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

The Chiayi County Government said Friday in response to the random killing of a four-

Those under grade one will be receiving home care visits from care workers twice a month, while those between grade two and five will be receiving more regular visits, the frequency of which will be depending on the severity of mental illness of each individual.

Those under grade one will be receiving home care visits from care workers twice a month, while those between grade two and five will be receiving more regular visits, the frequency of which will be depending on the severity of mental illness of each individual.

year-old girl in Taipei last week, that it will strengthen the region’s mental health care by making sure those with mental illness are getting medical treatment regularly and properly.

The county’s health bureau cited that there are currently 4,095 cases of mental health problems in the county, which were further categorized into five grades based on illness severity. Those under grade one will be receiving home care visits from care workers twice a month, while those between grade two and five will be receiving more regular visits, the frequency of which will depend on the severity of mental illness of each individual.

The bureau added that mental illness could be kept under control by getting proper medical treatment and taking medications regularly. To abruptly stop medication without talking to doctors first could lead to an unstable mental condition, the bureau said.

As those with mental illness are in need of special care and protection, providing more care to them and making sure they seek medical assistance routinely and systematically would be helpful in stabilizing their conditions, the bureau said.     [FULL  STORY]

Suspect in deadly New Taipei fire arrested

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/04/01
By: Sunrise Huang and Y.F. Low

Taipei, April 1 (CNA) Police on Thursday arrested a man who is suspected of deliberately 201603230023t0001starting a fire that killed six members of a family in New Taipei last month.

The suspect, surnamed Tang, held a grudge against the family and he set a scooter ablaze, which started the fire, according to police.

The fire, which broke out early in the morning of March 23, was found to have originated from a scooter parked under the pedestrian arcade of a residential building in the city’s Sanchong District.

The fire from the scooter spread to the building, resulting in the death of six members of a family that was living on the fourth floor.

Police said they targeted Tang as a key suspect after a surviving member of the family disclosed information about a dispute with Tang over a personal injury matter.    FULL  STORY]

Heavy freeway traffic forecast over tomb sweeping holiday

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/03/31
By: Wang Shu-fen and Elaine Hou

Taipei, March 31 (CNA) Heavy traffic is expected on the freeways in Taiwan over the tomb

CNA file photo

CNA file photo

sweeping holiday starting Saturday, with congestion predicted to peak on April 4, according to the National Freeway Bureau.

Freeway traffic will spike on Tomb Sweeping Day, with 2.95 million cars expected to hit the road, the bureau said.

The bureau also warned that a total of 15 sections of the freeways are more likely to see heavier traffic, including the southbound section from Changhua to Puyan on Freeway No. 1, the northbound section from Yunlin to Puyan on Freeway No. 1, the northbound section from Gukeng to Nantou on Freeway No. 3 and the northbound section from Yilan to Pinglin on Freeway No. 5 on that day.

Freeway traffic is expected to flow more smoothly during the rest of the four-day holiday, the bureau said.     [FULL  STORY]