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3 deadly mistakes: Firefighter gives talks on fire safety awareness

Radio Taiwan International
Date: 04 May, 2020
By: Leslie Liao

Tsai Chung-han has dedicated his 12 year career as a firefighter to educating the public on fire safety

Tsai Chung-han has dedicated his 12 year career as a firefighter to educating the public on fire safety[/caption] A split-second decision could prove deadly in a fire… or it could save you. A firefighter from Kaohsiung, in southern Taiwan, has been giving fire safety talks with the aim of helping people make the right decisions in an emergency. His words resonate even more deeply now, as Taiwan deals with the aftermath of two deadly fires in one week.

Tsai Chung-han is a 34-year-old firefighter from southern Taiwan. He’s dedicated his career to teaching fire safety. 

Five years ago, Tsai gave a TED talk in which he debunked popular fire safety myths. The video of his talk has over 3.8 million hits online. In his talk, Tsai lists three things that people do in a fire that often prove deadly, including: hiding in the bathroom, moving upstairs to escape a fire, and using wet towels to shield their face from smoke. 

Tsai hs given hundreds of talks around Taiwan. Schools invite him to speak to students to stress the importance of fire safety.  He combines real-world scenarios with interesting videos to keep his audience entertained and informed. 

As a firefighter of 12 years, Tsai knows the value of proper fire safety measures. Something as minor as knowing not to climb higher in a building to escape a fire, could be the thing that saves your life.

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