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C. Taiwan recreational area offering NT$10 admission tickets

Specially priced admission to Nantou's Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area only lasts from July 1 to 5

Taiwan News
Date: 2020/06/23
By: George Liao, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

(Taiwan Tourism Bureau photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Nantou Forest District Office is offering NT$10 (US$0.33) for admission to the Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area (奧萬大國家森林遊樂區) from July 1 to 5 to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the park.

The original prices are NT$200 per adult on weekends and holidays and NT$150 per adult on weekdays.

Located amongst mid-altitude mountains, Aowanda is blessed with a rich ecology and various seasonal attractions to admire, such as cherry blossoms in spring, waterfalls during summer, bright moonlight rays in the fall, and maple trees in the wintertime, according to Nantou Forest District Office Director Lee Zheng-xian (李政賢).

Aowanda is ideal for hiking as its forests and waterfalls provide health-enhancing phytoncides and negative ions, Lee said. According to a brief Taiwan Tourism Bureau description of the park, "the scenery is tranquil and peaceful.”   [FULL  STORY]

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