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Chen and team rock Tainan on visit

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 01, 2020
By: Lee I-chia / Staff reporter

Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung, center, feeds a giraffe yesterday during a visit to Wanpi Safari Zoo in Tainan’s Syuejia District.
Photo: Wang Han-ping, Taipei Times

The nation marked its 49th day with no new domestic COVID-19 cases yesterday, and there were no new imported cases, but that does not mean the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) can relax its attention, Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung (陳時中), who heads the center, said yesterday in Tainan as he and a team of health officials wrapped up a weekend visit to the city.

The visit is part of the center’s efforts to promote domestic travel under the “new disease prevention lifestyle.”

Among the 442 confirmed cases, 423 have been released from isolation and 12 people remain hospitalized, Chen said at the center’s daily news conference, which was held at the Jian Shan Pi Jianganan Resort (尖山埤江南渡假村), the second time it has be held outside of Taipei.

Chen joked with reporters that he had not been working while in Tainan, simply enjoying seeing the sights, trying various local delicacies and appreciating the warmth of the residents’ welcome.    [FULL  STORY]

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