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Chinese ambassador incensed after Taiwan representative speaks in Lithuanian parliament

Date: 2020.06.23

Taiwan AP

Chinese Ambassador Shen Zhifei has asked an explanation from Lithuania about a recent speech of Taiwan's representative at the country's parliament.

Andy Chin, the head of Taiwan's mission in the Baltic states, was invited to the Lithuanian parliament, Seimas, to take part in a discussion on the coronavirus last Thursday.

Read more: Lithuania's support for Taiwan draws ire from Beijing

Ambassador Shen Zhifei met with Juozas Bernatonis, the chairman of the parliamentary Committee of Foreign Affairs, to discuss it on Monday.

“Since Taiwan's official representative was standing on the Seimas platform and this way, as China believes, the ‘one-China policy’, which is envisaged in out treaty with China, was violated, he expressed his opinion,” Bernatonis told BNS on Monday.    [FULL  STORY]

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