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CWB to create national volcano warning system

NOT DEAD YET: Research announced last year showed that the Datun Volcano Group and Turtle Island are active volcanos, driving the bureau to create the system

Taipei Times
Date: Jan 03, 2020
By: Shelley Shan  /  Staff reporter

The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) is to start building the nation’s first volcano alert system this year, Seismological Center Director Chen Kuo-chang (陳國昌) said yesterday.

The Datun Volcano Group (大屯火山群) in northern Taiwan and Turtle Island (Guishan Island, 龜山島) off the coast in Yilan County are active volcanoes, but the nation lacks a system to warn the public about possible eruptions, the bureau said.

“We will spend this year and next building a national volcano alert system and establishing the procedures that we should follow in issuing warnings,” Chen said.

The preliminary plan calls for a three-level warning system, he said.    [FULL  STORY]

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