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Female Asus employee just saved from fatal fall off Taipei HQ

Taiwanese woman seen dangling from 14th floor of company headquarters

Taiwan News
Date: 2020/06/20
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

A woman's coworkers prevent her from falling at Asus HQ, in Taipei. (Netizen photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A dramatic scene played out on Friday night (June 19) when a woman under duress nearly suffered a fatal fall from the 14th floor of the ASUS headquarters in Taipei.

At 7:30 p.m. on Friday evening, police received a report that a distressed 30-year-old female Asus employee, surnamed Sun, appeared to be preparing to leap from the company's headquarters on Lide Road in Taipei's Beitou District, reported UDN. When police arrived on the scene, they spotted the woman sitting on the ledge of the 14th floor.

Sun was seen holding a rope in her hand and appeared to be poised to jump. Several police officers tried to calm her down and convince her to move away from the ledge, but she refused.

Just as an officer tried to grab her from behind, she noticed and leaned forward. Police then stepped back and tried to reassure her.    [FULL  STORY]

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