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Taiwan donates money to typhoon-battered Philippine province

Focus Taiwan
Date: 01/17/2020
By: Angie Chen and Elizabeth Hsu

(From right to left): Representative to the Philippines Michael Hsu (徐佩勇), Sorsogon Governor Francis Escudero, and Gilberto Lauengco, vice chairman of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office.

Manila, Jan. 17 (CNA) Taiwan's representative office in the Philippines donated US$100,000 on Friday to Sorsogon province on Luzon Island to support its reconstruction efforts after it was severely battered by Typoon Kammuri, locally called Tisoy, in early December.

Representative to the Philippines Michael Hsu (徐佩勇) presented a cheque for the sum of money to Gilberto Lauengco, vice chairman of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office, which represents the Philippines' interests in Taiwan, during a ceremony witnessed by Sorsogon Governor Francis Escudero.    [FULL  STORY]

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