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VIDEO: Gov’t eases restrictions on wedding banquets as pandemic slows

Radio Taiwan International
Date: 13 May, 2020/
By: Shirley Lin

Gov’t eases restrictions on weddings as COVID-19 pandemic slows

Gov't eases restrictions on weddings as COVID-19 pandemic slows[/caption] It’s been nearly impossible for couples to get married over the past several months. Most countries have limited large-scale gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center has eased restrictions, paving the way for summer weddings. 

Good news for couples that want to get married! With COVID-19 under control, health officials are giving the green light to weddings… with some restrictions.

Normally, wedding banquet tables can seat ten people. But now they’re only seating eight. Wedding banquets are also limited to 250 people.

A spokesperson for one hotel says that the government will require detailed guest lists… but hotel staff will help take care of that.    [FULL  STORY]

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