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Ximen Metro Plaza to prohibit smoking in July

Focus Taiwan
Date: 06/24/2020
By: Liang Pei-chi and intern Melissa Wu

CNA photo June 24, 2020

Taipei, June 24 (CNA) The Ximen Metro Plaza will become a non-smoking area starting July 1, and violators will be fined after a month-long grace period, Taipei's Department of Environmental Protection announced Wednesday.

Violators of the non-smoking policy will only be warned during the month of July, but will be fined between NT$2,000 (US$67) to NT$10,000 starting in August, the department said.

Throwing cigarette butts on the ground will also be punishable by fines ranging from NT$1,200 to NT$6,000, the department said.

The plaza, which covers the area west of the Ximen metro station between exits 1 and 6, serves as a gateway into one of Taipei's most popular shopping and entertainment areas.

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