China Warns Taiwan Will Hurt Its Own People by Sheltering Hong Kong ‘Rioters, Elements Who Bring Chaos

Fars News
Date:  Jun 20, 2020 4:35

TEHRAN (FNA)- Beijing slammed Taiwan for its new plan to harbor asylum seekers from Hong Kong, which has seen massive anti-government protests and rioting. This “plot” will backfire, China said.

“Providing shelter for and taking onto the island the rioters and elements who bring chaos to Hong Kong will only continue bring harm to Taiwan’s people,” China’s State Council Taiwan Affairs Office Spokesperson, Zhu Fenglian, told reporters, according to RT.

Earlier this week, Taiwan unveiled a plan to set up a government-funded agency to help asylum seekers from Hong Kong, a self-governing region of China, settle on the island. The proposed scheme includes a basic living allowance and help with employment for Hongkongers seeking “shelter” from Beijing. 

Zhu slammed the plan as a “political plot to intervene in Hong Kong affairs and undermine Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability.”     [FULL  STORY]

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