Chinese military to conduct exercise staging takeover of Taiwan’s Pratas islands

Large-scale drill will involve myriad military hardware, soldiers

Taiwan News
Date: 2020/05/12
By: Kelvin Chen, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Dongsha island from above (CNA photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — On Monday (May 12) it was reported that China’s People's Liberation Army (PLA) is planning to conduct a large-scale landing exercise in August in the South China Sea with the aim of one day capturing the Taiwan-controlled Dongsha islands (Pratas Islands, 東沙群島).

The beach landing exercise will be carried out by the Southern Theater Command and will involve large numbers of marines, landing ships, hovercrafts, and helicopters: maneuvers on an unprecedented scale, according to Kyodo News.

The Chinese military has grown increasingly anxious about the numerous U.S. military aerial and naval operations in the South China Sea, which has become a potential flashpoint for conflict. U.S. electronic warfare and reconnaissance aircraft frequently fly in the airspace near the Dongsha islands, with more than 13 missions flown in the disputed waters in April alone.

Furthermore, the Trump administration has strengthened relations with President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), which China sees as an unlawful partnership. The planned August drills will only increase tensions with the U.S. and Taiwan, the article stated.    [FULL  STORY]

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