Chinese trolls post fake news about Taiwanese cop torturing ‘HK refugee’

CIB suspects Chinese trolls of posting fake story about Taiwanese cop tormenting 'Hong Kong refugee'

Taiwan News
Date: 2020/06/01
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

(CIB photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan's Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) on Friday (May 29) announced that Facebook posts alleging that a Taiwanese police officer placed his knee on a "Hong Kong refugee" is fake news.

On Friday, the CIB announced the following six persons are being investigated for "malicious distribution of untruthful information on Facebook": Chi Ying Leung, Nancy Leung, Siu Ted Ted, Ken Lee, Zhi San Gao, and Ming So. The bureau alleges that these individuals posted the fake news on Facebook groups, such as "香港漢奸活動觀察小組 2.0" and "香港突發事件爆料區."

The false story included a photo taken on Sept. 25, 2018, of a drill held by Taipei Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) police rehearsing the subduing of a violent passenger. The suspects then wrote fictitious captions, such as "Taiwan black police taking away Hong Kong refugee from Taipei Main Station."

The position of one of the officers' knees over the simulated "suspect's" neck in the photo was clearly meant to harken to the incident in which a Minneapolis police officer placed his knee on George Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes on May 25. The incident has since sparked outrage, protests, and riots in multiple cities across the U.S. over the past week.

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