CORONAVIRUS/94 Taiwanese, 2 spouses return home after being stranded in Russia

Focus Taiwan
Date: 05/26/2020
By: Wu Jui-chi, Chen Yun-yu, Yang Ming-chu, Lee Hsin-Yin and Emerson Lim

Returning Taiwanese nationals wait to board a bus that will take them to a designated quarantine center.

Taipei, May 26 (CNA) A total of 94 Taiwanese nationals, along with two Russian spouses, arrived in Taiwan Tuesday after being stranded in Russia for months due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

The number of coronavirus patients in Russia increased sharply in March. To date, the country has reported over 350,000 confirmed cases with more than 3,600 deaths, prompting some Taiwanese nationals living there opting to return home.

However, they had been prevented from doing so due to the unavailability of flights between Taiwan and Russia amid the pandemic.

The 96 passengers, most of them students and businessmen, arrived at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport and immediately quarantined for 14 days in accordance with the Central Epidemic Command Center's (CECC) instructions.    [FULL  STORY]

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