CORONAVIRUS/Taiwan willing to share mobile technology to combat COVID-19 pandemic

Focus Taiwan
Date: 06/01/2020
By: William Yen

Taipei, June 1 (CNA) Taiwan has devised various mobile apps to help combat the COVID-19 coronavirus and is offering to share the technology with other countries, the Central Epidemic Command Center said Monday.

At a daily press briefing, Chien Hung-wei (簡宏偉), CECC information systems chief, said Taiwan has already finished developing a health management app and a separate social distancing app in April but has not put them up for download due to the easing of the COVID-19 situation in the country.

The apps comply with the laws of both the European Union and Taiwan, Chien said.

The health management app utilizes artificial intelligence and GPS technology to help its user to undergo "self-health management," Chien said.    [FULL  STORY]

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