December exports up for second month

ELECTRONIC ASSISTANCE: The sector increased 11.9 percent from the same period in 2018, due to demand from China, the US and Japan, the Ministry of Finance said

Taipei Times
Date: Jan 08, 2020
By: Crystal Hsu  /  Staff reporter

Exports last month rose for a second straight month, increasing 4 percent from a year earlier to US$29.5 billion, as electronics shipments rose ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, while declines in non-tech products tapered off, the Ministry of Finance said yesterday.

Following November last year’s 3.3 percent year-on-year increase, the latest data suggest a recovery for technology products as the US and China move to solve their trade dispute, the ministry said.

“The pickup is evident for electronics, the mainstay of Taiwanese exports, which saw an 11.9 percent increase from a year earlier,” thanks to active inventory demand from China, the US and Japan, Department of Statistics Director-General Beatrice Tsai (蔡美娜) told a media briefing in Taipei.

Semiconductor shipments grew 14.2 percent to US$9.4 billion on the back of 5G deployments by Chinese technology brands, Tsai said.    [FULL  STORY]

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