Eat KFC Gacha to Fight as Colonel Sanders in This Arena of Valor Promo

Arena of Valor is running a Taiwanese collaboration with famed fried chicken chain KFC – but you'll need a bit of luck to get the goods.

Date: February 6, 2020
By:  Victoria Rose Follo

Are you an Arena of Valor skin collector in Taiwan? Hope you like fried chicken, because you’re going to need to grind up some chicken for a promotional skin. In Taiwan, Arena of Valor and KFC (yes, that KFC) have teamed up for a promotional event, featuring the legendary Colonel Sanders as a skin for the hero Omarr. But it’s a bit of a double-gacha situation.

In order to get a chance at Arena of Valor‘s digital prizes (yes, you read that right), you need to buy a special food box. It’s only $5 and is a pretty hearty meal, so if you’re a KFC fan, it’s not too bad.

However, the first layer of gacha is like any other food sweepstakes. You have a chance of receiving one of three items: the AoV prize, a food or drink giveaway, or an actual physical prize. The physical prizes include T-shirts, pillows, blankets, and more.

And these all sound nifty! But that doesn’t sound like it’s what a lot of gamers are in for. Unless these box-searching KFC gamers are really into physical prizes and free food, in which case, they should go for it by all means. I know I would.    [FULL  STORY]

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