Fears of total war as China repeats threat to INVADE neighbouring Taiwan

CHINA has vowed to take control of Taiwan by any means necessary.

Date: May 30, 2020
By: Gursimran Hans

Taiwan has been separate from mainland China since the nationalists lost the Chinese Civil War and were forced from the mainland in 1949. The official name of Taiwan is the Republic of China (ROC) and it claims to be the legitimate successor to the pre-war Chinese government instead of the current communist party led People’s Republic of China (PRC). Li Zuocheng, chief of the joint staff department declared in Beijing: “If the possibility for peaceful reunification is lost, the people’s armed forces will, with the whole nation, including the people of Taiwan, take all necessary steps to resolutely smash any separatist plots or actions.

“We do not promise to abandon the use of force and reserve the option to take all necessary measures, to stabilise and control the situation in the Taiwan Strait.”

Politics in Taiwan is split into two loose camps – pan-blue who favour some form of unification with the mainland and pan-green who favour Taiwanese independence.

Though President Tsai Ing-wen is in the latter camp she has said a unilateral declaration of independence is unnecessary due to Taipei’s de facto independence.    [FULL  STORY]

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