Have the courage to recognize Taiwan

The Hill
Date: 05/20/2020
By: Jianli Yang and Aaron Rhodeas, Opinion contributors

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Recent events have vividly confirmed that the United States should establish formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, or the Republic of China (ROC). While the Communist Party-led People’s Republic of China allowed a global public health crisis to happen with its attempted cover-up of COVID-19, including its apparent manipulation of the World Health Organization, Taiwan’s response to the virus was among the most transparent, accountable, humane and efficient in the world. 

Yet China blocked Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Assembly and has tried to profit from the crisis by selling sometimes-defective health products. It intimidates critics, even petulantly going after an Australian student for criticizing his university’s subservience to Chinese demands.  

 Non-recognition of Taiwan has become an intolerable and unconscionable contradiction that undermines American integrity and credibility. The Jimmy Carter-era policy was based on the premise that recognition of China would help transform the communist regime into a trustworthy and responsible partner for the United States and other countries, and that both Chinas could not be recognized because of their competing claims to dominion over Taiwan and the mainland.  

This has proved false. China’s COVID-19 malfeasance — which appears to continue in the form of efforts to hack vaccine research in other countries — is only the latest proof that the country’s integration into the liberal world order has not only failed, but has undermined the integrity of international norms and institutions. Think of the massacre of peaceful demonstrators at Tiananmen Square; of today’s Uighur concentration camps; of China’s live organ harvesting; its persecution of dissidents; massive censorship; and a range of other moral outrages. Beijing coerces other societies to remain silent about them in international forums, and takes over islands claimed by neighbors, refusing to negotiate.     [FULL  STORY]

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