Highs to rise above 36 C. Sunday with thundershowers

Focus Taiwan
Date: 06/14/2020
By: Yu Hsiao-mei and Elizabeth Hsu

Matsu, Saturday. CNA photo June 13, 2020

Taipei, June 14 (CNA) The weather will be hot and humid with temperatures to rise above 36 degrees Celsius in parts of Taiwan and possible afternoon thundershowers on Sunday, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) forecast.

As tropical storm Nuri moves towards waters off eastern China's Guangdong Province, the winds have turned moderate and southerly toward Taiwan, the CWB said.

However, because the peripheral clouds of the storm have brought warm moisture, they could cause strong convection over Taiwan.

As a result, all areas of the country were expected to receive afternoon thundershowers on Sunday, or sporadic heavy rain, the weather bureau said.    [FULL  STORY]

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