Japan releases plans to ease border controls

Travel bans on four countries to be lifted, Taiwan not included

Taiwan News
Date: 2020/06/06
By: Chris Chang, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Japan wants economic recovery and virus containment.   (Wikimedia Commons photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Japanese government is discussing measures to loosen the entry ban on business travelers, and planning to waive quarantines on visitors from certain countries as long as they have submitted negative test results and provide detailed visiting plans.

The goal is to facilitate business travel and start reviving the economy. Partnering countries that Japan is discussing measures with are Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, and New Zealand, Nikkei reported.

Anyone who wants to enter Japan from the partnering countries needs to have polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, an accurate genetic test for the coronavirus, and provide the negative test results plus visiting plans to local Japanese embassies for the visas. The plans need to list the visitors' destinations and accommodation in Japan within two weeks after entry.

Businesses in Japan that receive visitors also have to submit managing plans and proof to the authorities, explaining the necessity of having foreign arrivals. Once the process is completed, visitors will not have to undergo the two-week quarantine.    [FULL  STORY]

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