Japan virus case sparks concern

LOCAL TRANSMISSION? The student came to study in Taiwan in late February and 125 people who came into close contact with her have been put in home isolation

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 25, 2020
By: Lee I-chia / Staff reporter

Health inspectors sit at desks in a deserted passageway at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport yesterday.
Photo: Tony Yao, Taipei Times

A Japanese student in her 20s has tested positive for COVID-19 after returning home from Taiwan on Saturday last week, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said yesterday, raising concern that it could be the first case of a local transmission since April 12.

The student arrived in southern Taiwan in late February and 125 people who came into close contact with her have been put in home isolation, while 15 other people have been placed under self-health management, said Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung (陳時中), who heads the CECC.

She has not been listed as a domestic case as the center must confirm the test result with Japan, but it might have been a case of local transmission, Chen added.

In related news, the CECC yesterday announced that foreign travelers from today can transit through Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, while border controls would be loosened on Monday next week to allow special entry to people from Hong Kong and Macau, and those with special humanitarian or emergency needs.    [FULL  STORY]

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