Majority accepts higher electricity bill for reform

FOR CLEANER AIR: The Executive Yuan should plan out a road map to make the nation a carbon-neutral society by 2015, a member of a research center said

Taipei Times
Date: May 14, 2020
By:: Lin Chia-nan / Staff reporter

Representatives of National Taiwan University’s Risk Society and Policy Research Center at a news conference in Taipei yesterday present the findings of a poll about public support for energy transition policies.
Photo: Wu Po-hsuan, Taipei Times

More than half of respondents in a survey said that they could accept electricity and fuel price hikes to promote energy reform or collect a carbon tax, National Taiwan University’s Risk Society and Policy Research Center said yesterday.

The center said it released the survey to push President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), who is to begin her second term on Wednesday next week, to expedite energy reform.

The Tsai administration vowed to promote energy transformation by phasing out nuclear energy, while having 20 percent of the nation’s power generated from renewable sources, 30 percent from coal-fired power and 50 percent from natural gas by 2025.

As of last year, 13.4 percent of the nation’s power was generated from nuclear energy, 6 percent from renewables, 79.2 percent from fossil fuels and the remainder from pumped-storage hydroelectricity, Taiwan Power Co’s Web site showed.    [FULL  STORY]

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