Taiwan farmer scales new heights with heavweight pumpkin

The Standard
Date: 22 Jun 2020

New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-oh tries to get his arms around the 411.6-kilogram pumpkin.

A 411.6-kilogram giant pumpkin, grown by a farmer from Tamsui district, won narrowly in the weight division of an annual giant pumpkin contest in New Taipei on Sunday.

The farmer, Lin Chien-hsun, took home a prize of NT$90,000 (US$3,011) for his winning 411.6kg entry in the competition, which was held by the Tamsui District Farmers' Association, CNA reports. The cecond prize went to a farmer from Taoyuan, whose pumpkin weighed only 6kg less than Lin's.    [FULL  STORY]

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