Tsai meets with US, Japanese envoys

CONGRATULATED:AIT  Director Brent Christensen said the US and Taiwan are bound by shared values, while Japan’s Mitsuo Ohashi stressed the importance of bilateral ties

Taipei Times
Date: Jan 13, 2020
By: Jason Pan  /  Staff reporter, with CNA

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday met separately with American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)

President Tsai Ing-wen, right, meets American Institute in Taiwan Director Brent Christensen, left, at the Presidential Office in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

Director Brent Christensen and Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Chairman Mitsuo Ohashi, expressing the hope to improve bilateral ties with the two countries.

Christensen congratulated Tsai on behalf of the US government on her re-election, saying that the US and Taiwan are close partners bound by shared democratic values, and would continue to improve bilateral exchanges.

Saturday’s “election serves as a reminder that the United States and Taiwan are not just partners; we are members of the same community of democracies, bonded by our shared values,” he added.

Tsai said that “democracy and freedom are indeed Taiwan’s most precious assets, as well as the foundation for the long-standing, firm Taiwan-US partnership.”    [FULL STORY]

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