Vandals paint ‘F*** CCP,’ ‘TAIWAN NO.1’ on Chinese consulate in NZ

Chinese consulate in New Zealand spray-painted with 'F*** CCP,' 'TAIWAN NO.1'

Taiwan News
Date: 2020/05/19
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

(Twitter, @yjpc06 screenshot)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Video surfaced on Monday (May 18) showing the Chinese consulate in New Zealand spray-painted with vulgar language insulting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and praising Taiwan, on the same day the country was yet again excluded from the World Health Assembly (WHA) due to pressure from China.

On Monday, Taiwan shelved its bid to be included in the WHA as it became abundantly clear that China would not allow the country to participate, even as an observer. To add insult to injury, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom invited Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping (習近平) to be the first guest speaker.

During his speech, Xi ironically claimed that throughout the crisis his country has acted with "openness, transparency, and responsibility." In reality, China suppressed Li Wenliang and other doctors early in the outbreak, denied human-to-human transmission for weeks, and allowed five million Wuhan residents to travel all over China and the world before finally locking the city down.

That same day, Chinese Twitter user 一剑飘尘06 posted an 80-second long video which shows the aftermath of a recent attack by vandals on the Chinese Consulate-General in Auckland, New Zealand. In the video, the man holding the camera speaks Mandarin with an accent typically heard in northern China.    [FULL  STORY[

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