VIDEO: New Taiwan study recommends Chinese medicine for pets

Radio Taiwan International
Date: 17 June, 2020
By: Shirley Lin

Pets should take Chinese medicine as supplement: Study

Pets should take Chinese medicine as supplement: Study[/caption] A growing number of Taiwanese families seem to prefer owning pets to having children. Amid an uptick in pet ownership, a university in Taipei is recommending the use of Chinese medicine to treat the ailments that affect our furry friends.

Taiwan loves its pets. This year, for the first time in Taiwan’s history, the number of pets has exceeded the number of children aged 15 and under. And these pets are, by and large, pampered. These pet lovers can really pamper their pets. The slightest sign of health problem is enough to send pet owners scrambling to see a vet.

Most vets have a background in western medicine. However a recent study by the National Taiwan Normal University has shown that Chinese medicine can slow the aging process in animals.    [FULL  STORY]

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