VIDEO: Taiwanese university invents machine to prolong face mask life

Radio Taiwan International
Date: 28 February, 2020
By: Shirley Lin

A Taipei university invents a mask cleaning machine

As the coronavirus COVID-19 continues to infect people around the world, Taiwanese people are worried that their surgical mask supply will not last much longer. A university in Taipei may have found a solution to extending the use of masks.

A research team from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology has created a machine that can prolong the use of face masks. The team combined atmospheric pressure plasma technology with automated equipment to build a mask-cleaning machine. The machine prolongs how long a mask can be used by sanitizing it for 10 seconds.

The team’s leader, Professor Joseph Kuo said each Taiwan resident is currently limited to receiving two masks per week. That means each mask is reused for about three days. He said the machine can reduce bad odors and even warm and refresh each mask.    [FULL  STORY]

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