Virus Outbreak: CECC reports two more COVID-19 cases

NOT LOCAL: One is a student who returned from the US aboard a flight with others who later tested positive and the other was from the naval supply ship ‘Panshih’

Taipei Times
Date: May 05, 2020
By: Lee I-chia / Staff reporter

An illumination to boost the morale of the nation’s military (“guo jun jia you”) and a heart is displayed on the 59th and 60th floors of Taipei 101 last night after the sailors, officers and cadets from two navy ships were released from a 14-day quarantine early yesterday, followed later in the day by 344 crew from the supply ship Panshih after testing negative one more time for COVID-19.
Photo: George Tsorng, Taipei Times

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday confirmed two new cases of COVID-19: a student who returned from the US and another crew member of the navy supply ship Panshih (磐石), bringing the nation’s total number of cases to 438.

Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung (陳時中), who heads the center, said the imported case (No. 437) is a woman in her 30s who had studied in the US since Jan. 30 and returned to Taiwan on April 9, without symptoms.

She was first placed under 14-day home quarantine and then under home isolation on April 11 after it was learned that she was on the same flight from New York as Case No. 383, who sat one row behind her, Chen said.

The woman had developed a runny nose on April 15, but did not report it at the time because she thought it was only an allergy, he said.    [FULL  STORY]

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